An increasing number of journals encourage researchers to share their data, for a variety of reasons. In years past, it was common to have to write to the authors asking for access or supplementary statistics; making your data available, ensures more have access to it, and it will not be lost. I support this, and want to make some of my results available in more formats that print publishing allows. Though where to put it?

Nature has made a list of their suggested repositories, I found it useful!

I have used both fig-share and Mendeley, and must say the former was a bit finicky to get to work.. while Mendeley seems relatively easy.

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Recommended Data Repositories

Scientific Data mandates the release of datasets accompanying our Data Descriptors, but we do not ourselves host data. Instead, we ask authors to submit datasets to an appropriate public data repository. Data should be submitted to discipline-specific, community-recognized repositories where possible, or to generalist repositories if no suitable community resource is available.


(Their list of general repositories are:

Repository Name Information on fees/costs Size limits Integrated with Scientific Data‘s manuscript submission system Re3data / FAIRSharing entry
Dryad Digital Repository $120 USD for first 20 GB, and $50 USD for each additional 10 GB None stated Yes ✔ view FAIRsharing entry
figshare 100 GB free per Scientific Data manuscript. Additional fees apply for larger datasets 1 TB per dataset Yes ✔ – To qualify for the 100 GB of free storage, data must be uploaded to figshare via our submission system. Download instructions. view FAIRsharing entry
Harvard Dataverse Contact repository for datasets over 1 TB 2.5 GB per file, 10 GB per dataset No view re3data entry
Open Science Framework Free of charge 5 GB per file, multiple files can be uploaded No view FAIRsharing entry
Zenodo Donations towards sustainability encouraged 50 GB per dataset No view re3data entry
Mendeley Data Contact repository for datasets over 10 GB 10 GB per dataset No view FAIRsharing entry
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