Yet more on academic fraud: the case of Francesca Gino and Data Colada

There is fraud everywhere. There are some people want rewards they can not achieve without cheating. Some (possibly most) find ways to rationalize and justify their actions. The autobiography written by Diederik Stapel, where he tries to explain and admit his actions...

Hva skjer med kreativiteten vår på Teams? – Kronikk i DN

Innlegg: Går glipp av gode ideer med digitale møter Mange har opplevd store fordeler med hjemmekontor de siste to årene. I USA sier 75 prosent av ansatte at de ønsker å jobbe hjemmefra minst en dag i uken etter pandemien, og det er all grunn til å tro det samme...

Who publishes in journals like Sustainability? A bibliometric analysis

Recently Khrono reported that the journal “Sustainability” has been removed from the list of journals that give publication points in Norway. The decision cited several issues, including inconsistent and superficial review and editing practices, as well as a vast...

Bærekraft og HRM

Artikler og kilder henvist til i denne presentasjonen: A Guide to SDG Interactions: From Science to Implementation. (u.å.). International Science Council. Hentet 8. mai 2023, fra...