Methods to start a creative process and generate ideas for research

There are many ways to contribute to theory and potentially fruitful avenues of research, and reading top research articles, it can seem obvious and self-evident. However, most people who have tried to come up with interesting research ideas, know it is far from...

Ways of Making a Theoretical Contribution

In the book: Theory Construction and Model building skills, Jaccard & Jacoby outline 16 ways to make a theoretical contribution when conducting research. These are introduced in chapter 3, and numbered from 1 to 16. Each is elaborated on in subsequent chapters. I...

Yet more on academic fraud: the case of Francesca Gino and Data Colada

There is fraud everywhere. There are some people want rewards they can not achieve without cheating. Some (possibly most) find ways to rationalize and justify their actions. The autobiography written by Diederik Stapel, where he tries to explain and admit his actions...

Advice on the basic parts of writing an article…

and indeed, most academic writing 🙂 Don’t Make Your Readers SCREAM Practically everybody who reads your research paper, referees especially, wants to know only a few basic things: What did you do? Why and how did you do it? What did you discover? Here is a...

How we can spot emotions on how people walk

Status and emotions are quite easy to spot and identify, as is evaluating our own and others status. There is a website where you can look at a dot-drawing of people walking, based on biometric data. Amazing how easy it is to spot differences, also based on gender....

Peer review and journal rejection – a painful reality!

In the past year, I have had the dubious pleasure of having some of my papers rejected by journals. It is draining. First, A LOT of time and emotional energy goes into each paper. I scrutinize it before submission, and really believe in it. Then I go though the...