There are many ways to scientific fraud

An entertaining version of it was published ten years ago, by Neuroskeptic at: The 9 Circles of Scientific Hell Dante’s : a classic of world literature, the definitive statement of the mediaeval Christian world-view, the first major work in the Italian language,...

Effect size, statistical significance and big data

Many, if not most statistical methods were developed for relatively small datasets. Big Data means we need to reevaluate how we interpret results. A good examples comes from “the Facebook experiment” Emotional contagion through social networks Adam D. I. Kramer, Jamie...

A manifesto for reproducible science

There are ohh-so many ways to mess up when conducting research, leading either intentionally or unintentionally, to false results. Open science, where every effort is made to allow others to check your work (put very simply) is on the rise. Here is a great article on...

Creating model diagrams

While most make models in Word or Powerpoint, there are other alternatives, that can also be used with R. One such, is DAGitty, (and related packages). You can make the diagrams in a browser window, and export the R code. The diagrams can be exported in most high...

Likert scale.. wording

While most instruments have a clear scale, some do not actually give the full range of wording. In cases when you want to modify a scale somewhat, it can be even more tricky. Rather than work out wordings, I found a useful PDF, written by Sorrel Brown at Iowa State...