Moderation and Mediation analysis

Just a course in Mediation and Moderation analysis, and the use of the Process macro, with Amanda Montoya. Brilliant, in that it really explains how to use the tool, and how to interpret the results. Amanda is also a gifted instructor. 🙂 Here a few notes and resources...

Graphs and diagrams..

I am continuously amazed at some of the statistics and associated graphs I see in published research. One recent example I saw caught my interest first, when I saw the legend for the stars indicating significance levels.Traditionally, one star is for 0.05; two stars...

SNA measures are not like other measures

There is a multitude of measures in social network analysis (SNA). In other social sciences, great lengths are gone to develop robust and valid measures, with discrete validity, which means there are relatively few overlapping constructs; and some remain standard for...

What topics does your favorite journal publish?

Another day, another use for bibliometric analysis. I was recently at a conference where the editor of AMJ strongly recommended to read the mission statement of a journal before submitting; hitting the target is key to get it considered, and published. There is no...

Cohen’s d explained

Great page with a simple and visual explaination of what Cohen’s d is, and how to make sense of it. Interpreting Cohen’s d effect size Interactive visualization of Cohen’s d effect size  ...