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Moderation and Mediation analysis

Just a course in Mediation and Moderation analysis, and the use of the Process macro, with Amanda Montoya. Brilliant, in that it really explains how to use the tool, and how to interpret the results. Amanda is also a gifted instructor. 🙂 Here a few notes and...

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Writing suggestions for Msc. students

Writing suggestions for Msc. students

I have corrected student assignments for some years, and want to share some suggestions which could help lift the quality of the responses. While the examples I use are largely taken from a course in business ethics I have been involved in, these suggestions can be...

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Graphs and diagrams..

Graphs and diagrams..

I am continuously amazed at some of the statistics and associated graphs I see in published research. One recent example I saw caught my interest first, when I saw the legend for the stars indicating significance levels.Traditionally, one star is for 0.05; two stars...

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Bibliometric analysis of a department

Bibliometric analysis of a department

Bibliometric analysis has  range of applications, a practical application is analyzing a research institution or department; such as in terms of topics, collaborations (both internal and external) and impact (in the form of citations) in the scientific community. To...

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How to review for a journal

How to review for a journal

Reviewing for the first time us daunting.. bit is a great learning opportunity and is part of the research life. Learning how to do so as constructively as possible is worthwhile. Here are some resources. This one gives some attitudes to have, structure to consider...

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Concept clarity

Not read the article in full yet, though this article on concept clarity strikes a chord, having read a lot of articles where concepts change, and are mixed from one article to the next. Believe it is worth studying before writing up my next paper. :)...

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Resources for structuring and writing

A good structure can help the reader understand the content of a paper. Well written text also. Here are some resources that help to this end. Ten simple rules for structuring papers Brett Mensh, Konrad Kording Published: September 28, 2017...

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